I’ve always known

I wanted to be a


The first time somebody asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up, I responded : “A Door.”

The adult was understandably confused, so they asked again, thinking I had misunderstood, but my answer remained unchanged : “A Door!”

They paused. “Okay… What kind of door?”

“A sliding door.”

I didn’t know it at the time, but what I was trying to say was : “I want to be a PORTAL.”

And here I am. After years of evolving, alchemizing & becoming, I’ve arrived home to myself once again, to that inner knowing of what I came here to be - a PORTAL.

A PORTAL is a gateway, a threshold, a vessel, a sacred space, a cosmic channel. I communicate with Spirit through my creative practice as an Artist and through my Spiritual practices as an Energy conduit. These gifts are tools that allow me to hone and embody my Truth, as well as help me support others in doing their own self-excavation.

To work together is to co-create with Spirit. Whether artistically or energetically, we are tuning in to the same Divine frequency. The best work happens when we follow the Flow, when the ego & the monkey mind gets out of the way and we just let it rock. I like to approach everything with curiosity - I find it makes living, creating, learning & everything else just way more fun.

Creativity is a way of being. Life is an Art. It’s a freakin Miracle to be alive, so while we’re here let’s make some magic!

work with me Energetically ***

work with me Energetically ***

connect Creatively **

connect Creatively **

PORTALS shop *

PORTALS shop *

Have something special in mind?

The PORTALS are open for all commissions & collaborations that are in alignment!

Let’s connect and create.